what the heck is FlipFort?
Kids love forts. They love to build them, play in them and sleep in them. Why? Because forts are safe, comfortable and cozy. They give kids a place to relax and be still.
FlipFort creates that space in your car AND stroller! What?!
In the car, FlipFort allows car rides to become peaceful (yes, we said peaceful in the same sentence as car ride). It gives needed personal space to children when traveling and it separates siblings with a simple flip down of a flap. On a road trip, your kids can actually sleep solidly when light and outside distractions are blocked.
In the stroller, Flipfort protects your child while creating a cozy place to rest. You can decide how much of the outdoors you want to let in. Just think, you can stay at your older child’s game or recital knowing that the younger child will nap longer! Instant stress reduction.
So take the long way home, because unlike the blankets you use to tie on the stroller, FlipFort won’t blow off on your walk. FlipFort protects your child from the elements, AND it also acts as a mask for those kids who are too young to wear them...putting a layer of added safety between your child and that uninvited sneeze, cough or sniffle.

The FlipFort Solution:
We know what it’s like to have a child who loathes the car. We know the consequences when naps are skipped. We know arguing kids on a long car ride. And, we too trace our kids' illnesses back to that stranger sneezing near your stroller three days prior. We feel you, we are you, and we have the solution.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered, literally